The 'Future Nostalgia: Masterpieces' art series may revolve around bicycles, but these creations are not meant to be thought of as means of transportation, but rather works of art. As though put together with pieces found in a junk yard, the bikes are deformed versions of their original glorious selves.
Created by Victor Sonna, an artist born in Cameroon and based in The Netherlands, the 'Future Nostalgia: Masterpieces' art series was inspired by people's movements both on a bike and off. Creating meandering lines, these rides are not as smooth as people would like to believe. Sonna explains, "We are increasingly inclined to trim down damages, holes and obstacles in our lives By contrast, it is my intention to leave these ‘faults’ or ‘failures’ in my work, both structurally and formally." “Innovation is not(only) wishful thinking, but conscious doing”
Victor Sonna Born in Cameroon, living in The Netherlands for several years, I experience what goes on between different entities.
The transformative and regenerative power of destruction is my incentive to shake and stir up people’s minds. I do so by alienating them from their set ways and patterns and confronting them with the consequences of their actions. We need contrast, otherwise everything would be invisible. I deliberately blur the edges of my use and non-use of materials, making them flow into one another. That way, my materials and ideas get to play a new role and acquire a meaning that can be different from one person to the next!
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